Narayani Polytechnic Institute generically NPI is newly Constituted Constituent technical School has been established on 2073 under council for Technical Educational and Vocational Training (CTEVT). It is being developed as an apex technical school especially for engineering disciplines, located at the middle part of Bharatpur metropolitan city. It is not only constituted to fulfil the deficiency of Engineering School in this territory, it is for quality engineering education in cheap rate and to establish the accessibility of low income generated guardians’ pupils on technical education as well. Now Diploma in Civil Engineering (DCE), Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development (DED) and Diploma in Electrical Engineering (DEE) and diploma in Automobile Engineering (DAE) are running at this technical school. Similarly, Diploma in Mechanical, hydropower, Geometrics engineering and Diploma in Hotel Management are proposed for upcoming academic session.

Determining the journey of prosperity of the country through technical education, linking the overall education with technology and construct the pathway of scientific development are the key challenges of technical education of today’s Nepal. The ability to develop technology is an indicator of the prosperity of today's world, so the state can achieve that goal only through the development of technical education and empowering with its associated institutions. With the favourable environment and support of the state, CTEVT should be taken this responsibility to bring technical revolution and technical brightness in Nepal. The prosperity that the government is talking about today that is not possible without technical education. Linking the education to skill, skill to employment, employment to labour, labour to production, production to worldwide market and determining the prosperity through the earning from worldwide market is the need of today’s education of Nepal. So, NPI will be the milestone for fulfilling the dream of the nation prosperous Nepal happy Nepali and skilling Nepal for peoples’ prosperity of CTEVT.