Civil Engineering, the profession that designs and executes structural works and serve the general public, such as dams, bridges, aqueducts, canals, highways, power plants, sewerage systems, and other infrastructure. The term was first used in the 18th century to distinguish the newly recognized profession from military engineering, until then preeminent. From earliest times, however, engineers have engaged in peaceful activities, and many of the civil engineering works of ancient and medieval times—such as the Roman public baths, roads, bridges, and aqueducts; the Flemish canals; the Dutch sea defenses; the French Gothic cathedrals; and many other monuments—reveal a history of inventive genius and persistent experimentation.


With a degree in Civil Engineering, you can get jobs for planning, designing, construction and maintenance of roads, bridges, tunnels, houses, offices, shopping and residential complexes, water and sanitation systems, airports, hydro-power dams and other infrastructure. You can excel in engineering practice in the public and private sectors in the technical areas of environmental, geo-technical, material, construction, structural, transportation, earthquake, hydraulic, and water resources engineering.

  • Civil engineers can work as:
  • Government Officer
  • Consultant
  • Construction Expert
  • Academician
  • Researcher
  • Entrepreneur
  • Designer
  • Project Manager


    Civil Engineering degree offers you an exciting curriculum that incorporates theory and practice of construction and design technologies. This programme facilitates you to develop well-rounded professional and technical skills and helping you to innovate smart solutions to improve our living environment, anywhere in the world. The world is full of infrastructure, and as a civil engineer, you’ll be responsible for its design and construction. From bridges, roads and buildings to dams, pipelines, and airports, you’ll learn the skills needed to develop the systems and structures that allow our society to operate efficiently. Our Civil Engineering degree offers you an opportunity to learn and understand the principles of construction, structural design, and geotechnical engineering. This four-year course empowers the students to work in all kinds of the construction-related sector and trains them to become the leader at their work.

  In context of Nepal ,Civil engineering is offered by Tribhuwan University (IOE) ,Kathmandu University,Pokhara university and Purbanchal university and its affiliated colleges.You can check affiliated colleges of Tribhuwan university(**) and Kathmandu University has not given any affiliation to private entity and Pokhara University has following affiliated Engineering Colleges

A civil engineering degree prepares you for work in the construction industry as well as in the business, management, and financial sectors

Job options

Jobs directly related to your degree include:

Jobs where your degree would be useful include:

Remember that many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject, so don't restrict your thinking to the jobs listed here


Scope of Civil Engineering in the Private Sector

Here are the most popular job profiles and careers in Civil Engineering in Nepal:

  • Project Manager
  • Planning and Design Officer
  • Site Engineer
  • Construction Managers
  • Civil Engineering Technicians
  • Architects
  • Assistant Engineer
  • Senior Engineer
  • Chief Engineer
  • City Engineer
  • Division Leader and Head
  • Deputy Engineer
  • Surveyors
  • Director of Public Work
  • Urban and Regional Planners
  • Environmental Engineers
  • Professor and Teachers
  • Researcher
  • Consultants
  • Entrepreneurs

Skills Required

As a highly technical and intellectually-rewarding field of study, the scope of Civil Engineering is truly immense and requires candidates to possess certain skills to thrive in their careers! Here are the key skills required to pursue a successful career in Civil Engineering:

  • Technical and Mathematical Proficiency
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Organizational Skills
  • Attention to Detail
  • Excellent Communication Skills
  • Numeracy and IT skills
  • Data Interpretation Skills

Types of Civil Engineering

After exploring the beneficial aspects of a career in civil engineering, let’s take a look at different types of civil engineering branches:

  • Construction and Management Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Transport Engineering
  • Water Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Coastal Engineering
  • Earthquake Engineering
  • Forensic Engineering
  • Highway Engineering
  • Civil Engineering with Architecture


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